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Phone: 402-758-5120

Specialized Care for Kids

Because Lakeside Surgery Center specializes in outpatient procedures, such surgery is usually less complicated and less costly than procedures requiring hospitalization, typically fifty percent less than a hospital procedure. The surgical suites and state-of-the-art-equipment we use is designed especially for an outpatient surgery setting to help minimize cost and recovery time following a procedure. We offer specialized care for children by giving children the extra care they need in an unfamiliar setting.

For kids who are having surgery, leaving their parents and heading into the OR with strangers can be terrifying. To help improve their surgical experience, we now allow kids ride to the OR in remote-controlled cars.

We are trying to get children to have a very comfortable experience moving back to the operating room and this is one of the ways we get them into the operating room with less stress.

Lakeside Surgery Remote control cars

Instructions for Children
Following these instructions may prevent delays or cancellation of the surgery.

Children may have less than 1 cup (8 oz) of clear liquids up to three hours before their arrival. This includes water, apple juice, soft drinks and Kool-Aid. NO milk or orange juice.

Children must not eat anything for eight hours before their arrival. Please do not allow them to suck on candy or swallow toothpaste before surgery.

Parental Care
We require at least one parent to remain in the center during the surgery and recovery. Please do not bring other young children along. If your child’s surgery is scheduled near noon, you may want to bring a lunch for yourself while you are waiting.

Personal Comforts
Please bring your child’s favorite blanket, stuffed animal or toy for added security.

After Surgery
You will be able to be with your child as soon as he/she is awake and medically safe for transfer after recovery