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Phone: 402-758-5120

Ownership Disclosure

We are required by law to notify you that your physicians hold financial interests or ownership in this ASC. We are required to disclose this financial interest or ownership prior to the start of the procedure you are scheduled to receive at the facility. The physicians who hold financial interest are as follows:

Peter Adamson, M.D.
Nagi T. Ayoub, M.D.
Casey Beran, M.D.
Thomas Brooks, M.D.
Stephen Brown, M.D.
Thomas Connolly, M.D.
Brian Conroy, M.D.
Samuel Dubrow, M.D.
John Galligan, M.D.
Glenn C. Gardner, M.D.
Jon Goldsmith, DPM
John Hain, M.D.
Dana Hess, M.D.
Kellen Huston, M.D.

David Knowles, M.D.
Edward M. McGill, M.D.
Michael McNamara, M.D.
Scott Nelson, DPM
John Pflug, M.D.
Joshua Priluck, M.D.
Gangadasu Sagar Reddy, MBBS
Susanne L. Sasse, M.D
Clayton Thor, M.D.
Paul Watson, M.D.
Nicholas Wischmeier, M.D.
Michael Zimmerman, DPM

Should you elect to have your procedure in a facility not owned by our physicians, we will re-schedule you at another appropriate facility at your request.